26 September, 2013

(Not so) crazy days

You know you're sociology students when a discussion about what defines a pub begins... We did have one with JC last night, while at the GU Amnesty International social night!

via Schorlemaedchen
Crazy days... Like yesterday. I had so many plans, and even though I ended up not doing some of the things, my scedule was still pretty busy. After my psychology lecture I went for lunch with my friend LH, and we got ourselves nice take-aways from The Little Italy. It was lovely seeing her and talking about a bit of everything, just like it always is. Then, as I had a two-hour gap, I decided to go to the library and do a bit of studying – and did exactly that, instead of spending my time on Facebook or whatever. More lectures followed, and then, the Amnesty International meeting. I wanted to join the society last year, but their meetings clashed with our film screenings, so I couldn't. But this year, nothing can stop me! I also got my flatmate J to come along, and forementioned JC joined as well. Both the meeting and the social night at Bookclub were great, I can't wait to get more involved. I had to leave Bookclub early though, because I wanted to go to the French society social as well, which wasn't as exciting, perhaps because I only vaguely knew one person there, and there were way many more of us than ever last year, and I was already tired.

via Park and Cube
When I write it down like this, the day doesn't seem nearly as busy as it felt. Or as interesting. But it was. A lot of moments made it so good, just like the little things always do. Mostly people-related, such as running into my favourite former flatmate I hadn't seen for nearly half a year. Or getting back in touch with students from last year tutorials or neighbours from halls. And, of course, meeting so many new people. All this university buzz fills me with energy, though I know that at some point it will start tiring me out.

via A Cup of Jo, originally from Notabilia

Not so crazy... Like today. I had psychology and French lectures, and a sociology tutorial (with me and one more person speaking up, all the others being shy/uninterested... how familiar!), and then, when it seemed as if I'm done with my day, it was actually only starting as I had to go to work. This is a pattern I have to get used to, but at least today, it wasn't too bad. A friend of mine was waiting for me to finish and once I was, we went to Tchai Ovna, a tea-house I had never been to before but knew I'd be falling in love, and then did. Will definitely be frequenting the place. It was a calm evening, full of laughter and conversations – at first with that friend, and when I got back home, with my flatmates. And it made me so relaxed and happy to be where I am. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, it'll be a mix of calm and crazy, and I'll do my best to make it one more positive day.

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